Naval Architect, graduated at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) 1985, my professional career started as a Bureau Veritas Surveyor, managing the Salvador´s branch of that Classification Society.
Afterwards, I´ve worked as marine surveyor and businessman from 1990 until 2000 in Navaltech and Importech companies. At same time, worked as accredited Custom Surveyor from 1990 until 1995, quantifying import and export cargoes in bulk. Most of my Marine Surveys knowledge came from that time, rich in activities in different fields of knowledge. Besides that, acted as Lloyds Agent Surveyor from 1996 until 2000 and P&I Clubs Surveyor from 1996 until 2002.
I’ve got my Master degree in Shipping at the Australian Maritime College, in the second semester of 1999, by means of Distant Study and visits to Australia. Worked as Austal Ships Agent in Brazil at that time.
Together with naval architect friends, we founded the CONSUNAV SALVADOR Company in the beginning of 2001, leaving the company on July 2002 in view of invitation received from ABS Group to work at Salvador´s ABS GIEN branch representative within the scope of Petrobras GIEN contract, working at E&P SERV/US SAE, position that I’m running today. Parallel to this position, I´m one of teachers of CENAV UFBA, (Specialization in Naval Architecture – Universidade Federal da Bahia) and Marine Consultant for companies, since we do not have any ethics or interest conflict with my job.